(Sandra Helena Rede Lovera)

Guadalajara, México, 1985. Artista plástica, diseñadora gráfica e ilustradora. Ha participado en muestras individuales y colectivas en México, Canadá, Suecia, Italia, Reinos Unido, Ucrania, Hungría y Bosnia-Herzegovina. Sus pinturas e ilustraciones han aparecido en diversas revistas. Además de la pintura se ha involucrado en la ilustración, figuras hechas en cartonería, pirograbado, juguetes de diseñador o art toys, joyería contemporánea y en la fotografía. En 2011 fue galardonada con el premio especial del jurado en The 1st Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition celebrado en Beijing, China.

Guadalajara, Mexico, 1985. Painter, graphic designer and illustrator. She has participated in solo and group exhibitions in Mexico, Canada, Sweden, Italy, United Kingdom, Ukraine, Hungary and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her paintings and illustrations have appeared in magazines. In addition to painting she has been involved in illustration, paper mache figures, pyrography, art toys, contemporary jewelery and photography. In 2011 she was awarded with the Special Jury Prize at "The 1st Gold Panda International Cartoon and Illustration Competition" held in Beijing, China.